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This webinar covers specialized situations faced in family taxation such as issues of divorce, annulment, liability, adoption, and retirement. Current tax law is discussed, and case studies are applied so that practitioners may correctly address these situations in their own practice. Additionally, participants will understand the due diligence required of tax preparers when preparing filings containing these complicated situations.

Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
  • Determine the proper way to handle specialized topics related to family taxes including divorce and annulment.
  • Determine the proper way to handle issues of retirement, adoption and liability.
  • Understand current tax law related to specialized topics in family taxation.
  • Discuss current tax law related to specialized topics in family taxation with clients.
  • Complete proper due diligence related to specialized 

  • Divorce
  • Date of end of marriage and finalization of divorce, effect on filing status
  • Annulment, effect on filing status, possibile need for amendments
  • Abandoned Spouse
  • Head of household in light of divorce, annulment, and abandonment
  • Claiming child dependents
  • Joint liability and Innocent spouse relief, Equitable Relief, Injured Spouse Allocation
  • Forms 8857 and 8379
  • Alimony, Property Transfers, Retirement Account Dispersment
  • Adoption, eligible child, expenses, income limits for credits, credit
  • Retirement Withdrawals and Carryovers

Advanced tax topics such as divorce, adoption, annulment, liability and retirement are complex issues that preparers do not face daily. Additionally, these topics are affected by tax court cases and require contemporary knowledge of law and due diligence. In addition to up to date knowledge of court rulings, attendees will explore case studies ensuring proper application of due diligence and it will enhance the ability to explain these complicated topics with clients.

  • CPAs
  • Accountants
  • Tax Preparers
  • Lawyers
  • compliance professionals

Jason Dinesen is the President of Dinesen Tax & Accounting, P.C., a public accounting firm in Indianola, Iowa. His practice focuses on accounting and bookkeeping services, tax preparation and business advising to individuals with a business focus ranging from home-based businesses to multistate corporations and not-for-profits. Dinesen has extensive experience working with a third-party administrator of retirement plans and is a prior presenter of multiple 1099 seminars. Dinesen majored in corporate communications with a minor in management from Simpson College

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